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StudySection gives you an opportunity to achieve Grade 10 Physics Certification through the Free Online Grade 10 Physics Certification Exam (Foundation) and get a hard copy of the certificate. The objective of this online certification exam is to test your understanding of natural forces such as gravitation, heat, light, magnetism, electricity, and others that have an influence on matter.

Physics is the basic physical science that is used interchangeably for the science whose aim is the discovery and formulation of the fundamental laws of nature. Physics plays a vital role in all the natural sciences. However, the fields which are categorized according to physical laws and measurements receive special emphasis, carrying such names as astrophysics, geophysics, biophysics, and even psychophysics. The physics at the base describes the science of matter, motion, work, and energy. The laws of physics are typically expressed with economics and accuracy in the language of mathematics. All of these topics are classified as physics.

The Grade 10 Physics Free Online Certification Exam (Foundation) from StudySection is in the format of multiple-choice questions from the basic concepts of this subject. There might be some questions that have more than one right answer, and for your answer to be considered correct, you must select all the correct options. Successfully passing this certification exam from StudySection will make you eligible to get an e-Certificate, and you can also get a certificate in a hard copy format after paying a nominal fee. A certification badge is also provided that you can display on your social media accounts like LinkedIn, Facebook, and others to reflect your expertise. The online Grade 10 Physics Certification (Foundation) from StudySection will make your career profile more appealing, hence increasing your chances of landing a good job.

Topics to be covered in the Grade 10 Physics Online Certification Exam are the following:

  • Light – Reflection and Refraction
  • The Human Eye and Colorful World
  • Electricity
  • Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
  • Source of Energy
  • Motion, Force and Work
  • Matter - Its Nature & Behaviour

This is a Premium Exam (limited free attempts). Get Admission for unlimited attempts.

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Test Time - 20 Minutes

Total Questions - 30

Passing Score - 50%

Note - This test has to be completed in a single session. A question may have multiple correct options. You have to mark all the correct options for your answer to be considered correct. You will see checkboxes instead of the radio buttons for the options in case a question has multiple correct options.
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