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StudySection offers Google Analytics Online Certification Exam (Advanced) for the candidates who want to check their abilities and skills in this field. This certification exam mainly focussed on the candidates who understand the nuances of Google Analytics and to develop some skills, knowledge, and competencies in this field. This certification exam is best suitable for candidates who plan a professional career as a Google Analytics expert. Google Analytics Online Certification Exam (Advanced) from StudySection is one of the best options to get online certification and this certification is recognized worldwide.

Google Analytics is a freemium web analytics service offered by Google search giant that tracks and reports website traffic, currently as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand. Google launched the service in November 2005 after acquiring Urchin Web Analytics. Google Analytics is the most widely used web analytics service on the web as of now. It also provides an SDK that allows gathering usage data from iOS and Android devices or Apps, known as Google Analytics for Mobile Apps. Google Analytics is now integrated with Google AdWords which will allow users to review online campaigns by tracking landing page quality and conversions. Objectives might include lead generation, sales, viewing a specific page, or downloading a particular file. The aim of Google analytics is to show high-level, dashboard-type data for the casual user, and more in-depth data further into the report set.

Google Analytics Online Certification Exam from StudySection consists of a number of multiple-choice questions that are based on an advanced level of content from this field of expertise. Some questions may have more than one correct answer and in order to make your answer to be considered correct, you must select all the right options. After successfully passing Google Analytics online certification exam from StudySection, you will get a consolidated e-Certificate and a certification badge that can be used to reflect your skills on your social networking profiles. Google Analytics Online Certification (Advanced)  from StudySection will enhance your career profile making you more appealable in this field of expertise.

Topics to be covered in Google Analytics Online Certification Exam are the following:

  • Google Analytics Basic Concepts
  • Reporting in Google Analytics
  • Google Analytics Layouts
  • User engagement
  • Events, Goals, Features
  • Remarketing
  • Campaigns in Google Analytics
  • Conversion Tracking

This is a Premium Exam (limited free attempts). Get SS Prime Club Membership for unlimited attempts.

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Password must be 6+ characters and contain at least one digit and letter.

Test Time - 25 Minutes

Total Questions - 30

Passing Score - 67%

Note - This test has to be completed in a single session. A question may have multiple correct options. You have to mark all the correct options for your answer to be considered correct. You will see checkboxes instead of the radio buttons for the options in case a question has multiple correct options.
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