StudySection gives you an opportunity to judge your understanding of various acts applicable in business by launching a Free Online Certification Exam (Foundation). This Certification Exam is suitable for beginners who have basic knowledge of various laws related to business. This certification exam aims to understand the essential elements of business laws, including formation, termination, and current issues/changes.
Business law is also named commercial law or mercantile law. It involves a set of rules that should be followed while dealing with businesses or individuals on commercial matters. It is also related to the liabilities, duties, and legal rights of individuals or businesses involved in transactions that relate to merchandising, sales, commerce, and trade. Business laws work in two major areas: Regulation of bankruptcy, partnership, agency, and company laws for commercial entities and Regulation of contract laws for commercial transactions. After taking this exam, you will get knowledge of the legal framework within which formal business organizations operate.
This certification exam consists of several multiple-choice questions based on the fundamentals of this program. Some questions may have more than one correct option, and you must select all the correct options in order to make your answer right. After you have successfully passed this online Certification Exam (Foundation), you will become eligible to get an e-Certificate and a certification badge that can be used to enhance your career profile and social media profiles too.
This is a Premium Exam (limited free attempts). Get SS Prime Club Membership for unlimited attempts.