Artificial Intelligence Certification Exam (Advanced)

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Test your knowledge and skills of Artificial Intelligence with Online Certification Exam(Advanced) offered by StudySection. This certification exam is developed for candidates who have in-depth knowledge and advanced understanding of Artificial intelligence. All Certification Exams from StudySection are recognized worldwide. Candidates planning to opt for this Certification Exam from StudySection can go for it with the ease and comfort of their homes or workplaces without interrupting their work schedule or daily routine. Artificial intelligence(AI), sometimes called machine intelligence is a wide-ranging branch of computer science. It includes building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. The ideal characteristic of artificial intelligence is its ability to intellectualize and take actions that have the best chance of accomplishing a specific task. AI is based on the principle that human intelligence can be determined in a way that a machine can easily mimic it and execute even more complex tasks. The intentions of artificial intelligence consist of learning, reasoning, and perception. The Artificial intelligence Certification Exam(Advanced) consists of several multiple-choice questions from intermediate to advanced levels of this field. Some questions may have more than one correct options and you must select all the correct options in order to make your answer right. After you have successfully passed this online Certification Exam (Advanced), you will become eligible to get an e-Certificate and a certification badge. This Certification from StudySection will give you the advantage over non-certified candidates in getting the job offer more easily.

  • AI Basics
  • History of AI
  • Intelligent Agents and Environment
  • Problem Solving
  • Uninformed Search Strategy
  • Local Search Problems and Optimization Problems
  • AI Algorithms
  • Robotics
  • Statistics AI

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Test Time - 25 Minutes

Total Questions - 30

Passing Score - 67%

Note - This test has to be completed in a single session. A question may have multiple correct options. You have to mark all the correct options for your answer to be considered correct. You will see checkboxes instead of the radio buttons for the options in case a question has multiple correct options.
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